Hilton Head Weather In November

November weather in Hilton Head is often perfect if you don’t plan on basing your vacation around the beach. It is typically sunny, and warm but not too hot, with less of the extreme humidity of the summer months.

The average daily high temperature this month is a pleasant 70°F (21°C), which will feel warmer in the sun. This is an ideal month for outdoor activities such as hiking, golf, biking, and walks on the beach.

On warmer days, it can still be perfect for a kayak tour or other watersports, and Hilton Head’s popular dolphin tours are available too. Visitors from colder climates sometimes find that November in Hilton Head is warm enough for swimming.

Mornings and evenings can be quite cool at this time of year, so it is best to pack additional layers and a jacket, especially if you expect to be out early or late. November is one of Hilton Head’s driest months, but an umbrella is always advisable.

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June through November, with hurricanes impacting Hilton Head and the South Carolina coast most likely during the fall months. In the event of a hurricane or tropical storm, follow all local advice and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

See also:
November events in Hilton Head
Hilton Head’s annual festival calendar
Airports near Hilton Head, SC
Transport options between Hilton Head and Savannah
– Hilton Head’s weather by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, December

Temperature & Humidity In Hilton Head In November


The average daily high temperature in Hilton Head in November is 70°F (21°C). The average daily low is 50°F (10°C).

Temperatures in Hilton Head in November can be very variable, with daily highs rising or falling by as much as 25°F within the course of a week, or even from one day to the next.

Temperatures in November can very often get into the high 70s and 80s, especially in the earlier part of the month. The proportion of such warmer days fluctuates quite a bit from one year to the next, with the high exceeding 70°F (21°C) on anywhere from one third to two thirds of days during an “average” November.

Most of the rest of the time, the high will be somewhere in the 60s, with a daily high temperature below this occurring on only a few days during the month.

Weather this month is often very pleasant, and it is possible to enjoy extended periods of warm days. On sunny days, however, there can be quite a contrast between early morning and evening temperatures and the warmer afternoons, sometimes a difference of up to 30°F over the course of the day, so it is wise to pack clothing that is easily layered.

Ocean Temperature

Ocean surface temperature in Hilton Head in November averages between 66-71°F (18-23°C), which can still be warm enough for some watersports. As air temperatures are cooler at this time of year, all but the hardiest people will likely find the water too cold for swimming at this time of year.


The weather is sometimes humid in Hilton Head in November, but it is more usually pleasant.

Sunshine, Clouds & Rain

Sunshine in Hilton Head in November averages 6 hours per day. Rain averages 2.4 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 6 days.

November in Hilton Head is usually a very sunny month, with clear skies on around two thirds of days this month and at least some sun on most of the remaining days.

Overcast weather is possible but not too common, generally occurring on several days during a typical November.

Although it is possible to see several days together of cloudy weather, it is more common to enjoy extended stretches of clear and sunny weather at this time of year.

The average UV index in Hilton Head in November is 4.

Hurricane Risk

The Atlantic hurricane system runs through to November 30, and in recent years hurricanes and tropical storms have more often been affecting the Hilton Head area during this month.

If you will be traveling to Hilton Head in November, especially during the first week or two of the month, assume there is some risk of hurricanes and major storms and plan accordingly: take out appropriate insurance, familiarize yourself with local evacuation procedures, and monitor weather conditions before travel and during your stay.

Information about hurricane preparedness, emergency contacts and evacuation plans is available at the Town of Hilton Head Island website.

Sunrise & Sunset


In November, the sun rises at 7:40am at the beginning of the month (one hour earlier after Daylight Saving Time ends) and at 7:05am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 6:17am at the start of the month (one hour earlier after Daylight Saving Time ends), and by 5:38am at the end.


The sun sets at 6:32pm at the start of the month (one hour earlier after Daylight Saving Time ends), and at 5:17pm by its end. It gets completely dark by 7:55pm at the beginning of the month (one hour earlier after Daylight Saving Time ends), and by 6:44pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in November averages around 10 hours 30 minutes per day.

Things To Do In Hilton Head, SC

Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge
Boat rentals
Dolphin tours
Sunset cruises
Kayak tours
Daufuskie Island

See also:
Hilton Head events in November
Savannah events in November
Beaufort, SC events
Fall food festivals near Hilton Head