Hilton Head Weather In December

December weather in Hilton Head is unpredictable, with wide variations in temperature possible over the course of a week, and significant variability in the quantity of warm and sunny weather from one year to the next.

The daily high temperature in December is 62°F (16°C), but highs in the 70s are common, or even in the low 80s on exceptionally warm days. There can also be cooler weather at this time of year, with breezes off the water sometimes making it feel colder still.

Sunny December days are perfect for Hilton Head’s outdoor activities: hiking, biking, golfing, tennis and even a kayak or paddle board excursion on the warmest days. Dolphin tours and sunset cruises can also be enjoyable during warmer weather.

For cooler or less clement days, Hilton Head does offer a few other land-based activities, such as historical tours of the island, or exploring local natural and cultural history at the Coastal Discovery Museum. Nearby Bluffton, or only a little further afield, the cities of Beaufort and Savannah, offer a wider range of indoor attractions and other things to do that do not depend too much upon the weather.

See also:
December events in Hilton Head
Hilton Head’s annual festival calendar
Airports near Hilton Head, SC
Transport options between Hilton Head and Savannah
– Hilton Head’s weather by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November

Temperature & Humidity In Hilton Head In December


The average daily high temperature in Hilton Head in December is 62°F (16°C). The average daily low is 43°F (6°C).

Daily high temperatures in Hilton Head in December are fairly variable, with fluctuations of 20°F or more possible over the course of a week.

In general, you can expect the high to exceed 70°F (21°C) on around a third or so of days during a typical December. Roughly an additional third of days will see a high temperature in the 60s, and on the remaining third of December days the high will stay below 60°F (16°C). On the warmest days, the high can climb into the 80s, although this is comparatively rare.

More middling temperatures usually accompany cloudy weather. December’s many sunny days might be warmer or cooler than average, though the sun can make it feel warmer than it is on the cooler days.

If the weather is sunny, it is especially important to pack for a range of temperatures. The temperature difference between the early morning and the warmest part of the afternoon can be as much as 30°F. It can get significantly cooler in the evening too, though the difference is not usually so great as between the morning and the afternoon. Temperatures are typically more consistent on cloudier days.

Although weather and temperatures in Hilton Head in December can vary a lot from one day to the next, it is also possible to enjoy several days together with highs in the 70s. Several days of colder, cloudy weather are also possible.

Ocean Temperature

Ocean surface temperature in Hilton Head in December averages between 58-63°F (14-18°C), which most people will find too cold for swimming. Some watersports may still be enjoyable on warmer days.


The weather only occasionally feels humid in Hilton Head in December.

Sunshine, Clouds & Rain

Sunshine in Hilton Head in December averages 6 hours per day. Rain averages 3.2 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 8 days.

Hilton Head weather in December is typically changeable, although there is still often a good amount of sun.

A third to a half of days during a usual December will be predominantly clear and sunny. Around a quarter to a third of days are mostly cloudy. The remaining days have a mix of sunny periods and cloudiness, with any cloudy periods potentially also bringing rain.

Typical weather patterns this month bring a few days of sunny weather followed by a few days of cloudiness, then some more sunny weather and so on.

The average UV index in Hilton Head in December is 3.

Hurricane Risk

December falls outside of Hilton Head’s hurricane season, which runs from June through November.

Sunrise & Sunset


In December, the sun rises at 7:06am at the beginning of the month and at 7:23am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 5:39am at the start of the month, and by 5:56am at the end.


The sun sets at 5:17pm at the start of the month, and at 5:28pm by its end. It gets completely dark by 6:44pm at the beginning of the month, and by 6:55pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in December averages around 10 hours 5 minutes per day.

Things To Do In Hilton Head & Nearby In December

Hilton Head events in December
Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge
Hilton Head dolphin tours
Kayak tours and rentals in Hilton Head
Sunset boat tours
Daufuskie Island tours
Savannah events in December
Savannah Historic District
Things to do in Savannah