Hilton Head Weather In April

April in Hilton Head is one of the best times of year to visit the island, with generally beautiful weather that is warm without being too hot, and plenty of sunshine.

Average daily highs in April are in the mid 70s (24°C), and although there can still be some day-to-day variability in the weather, warm, sunny weather is typical throughout the month.

For visitors from cooler climates, April in Hilton Head can offer beach weather (and even the possibility of a swim), although southerners will probably prefer to wait until May. Water sports such as kayaking and paddle boarding are generally enjoyable this month, or you could take one of the island’s many dolphin tours or rent or charter a boat to see the lowcountry scenery instead.

Other outdoor activities such as golf, hiking, racquet sports or just seeing the sights are perfect at this time of year. If you want to take a trip off the island, nearby Bluffton offers shopping, dining and a few historic attractions in its waterfront Historic District.

A little further afield are the beautiful, historic cities of Beaufort or Savannah, with a chance of seeing Savannah’s famed azalea displays at the beginning of the month.

See also:
April events in Hilton Head
Hilton Head’s annual festival calendar
Airports near Hilton Head, SC
Transport options between Hilton Head and Savannah
– Hilton Head’s weather by month: January, February, March, May, June, July, August, September, October, November or December

Temperature & Humidity In Hilton Head In April


The average daily high temperature in Hilton Head in April is 75°F (24°C). The average daily low is 55°F (13°C).

By April, Hilton Head typically enjoys reasonably consistent weather through the month, although some day to day variability is still possible.

The daily high temperature usually exceeds 80°F (27°C) on a third to a half or more of days this month, and is almost always at least in the upper 60s, with daily highs only occasionally failing to rise above 65°F (18°C).

Temperatures in the high 80s are common, especially toward the end of the month, and on some days the daily high can top 90°F (32°C).

Temperatures in the earlier morning and in the evening are typically in the 60s or low 70s, but on cooler days might be down in the low 50s or even colder still.

Ocean Temperature

Ocean surface temperature in Hilton Head in April averages between 61-67°F (14-21°C), which people who don’t mind colder water might find just warm enough for a quick swim or wade. Watersports may also be enjoyable on warmer days.


It is quite often humid in Hilton Head in April, and occasionally oppressively so.

Sunshine, Clouds & Rain

Sunshine in Hilton Head in April averages 9 hours per day. Rain averages 3 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 7 days.

April is usually a very sunny month in Hilton Head. You can expect clear, sunny weather on at least two thirds of days (and sometimes more) during a typical April, with additional days enjoying at least some sun in combination with periods of cloudiness or perhaps some rain. Even in a cloudier-than-average April, more than half of days should be predominantly sunny.

Overcast weather is possible but not too frequent. In the best years, only a couple of days during April will be cloudy all day, although in less favorable years there might be a week’s worth of such days over the course of the month, with the possibility of several cloudy days in a row.

The average UV index in Hilton Head in April is 9.

Hurricane Risk

April falls outside of Hilton Head’s hurricane season, which runs from June through November.

Sunrise & Sunset


In April, the sun rises at 7:10am at the beginning of the month and at 6:37am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 5:47am at the start of the month, and by 5:08am at the end.


The sun sets at 7:42pm at the start of the month, and at 8:03pm by its end. It gets completely dark by 9:06pm at the beginning of the month, and by 9:33pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in April averages around 13 hours per day.

Things To Do In Hilton Head Island

April events in Hilton Head
Hilton Head Island tours
Dolphin tours
Boat charters
Sunset tours
Kayaking in Hilton Head
Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge

See also:
April events in Savannah
Things to do in Savannah
Tybee Island events
Beaufort events