Hilton Head Weather In August

Hilton Head weather in August is consistently very hot and humid. The average daily high this month is 88°F (31°C), with temperatures often getting into the 90s.

Ocean breezes and swimming offer some respite from the heat, and the beach is the focus of most people’s visits to Hilton Head during August (and the rest of the summer). The island offers a variety of water-based activities, from more active kayaking and paddle boarding, watersports such as parasailing and wakeboarding, or more sedate dolphin-watching boat tours or sail-boat trips.

Although the forecast can often predict rain at this time of year, it is typically in the form of short-lived rain showers or thunderstorms, with the weather for the rest of the day still usually sunny.

Hurricane season runs from June through November. Although Hilton Head is usually most impacted during the fall months, hurricanes and tropical storms are a possibility throughout the period.

See also:
August events in Hilton Head
Hilton Head’s annual festival calendar
Airports near Hilton Head, SC
Transport options between Hilton Head and Savannah
– Hilton Head’s weather by month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November or December

Temperature & Humidity In Hilton Head In August


The average daily high temperature in Hilton Head in August is 88°F (31°C). The average daily low is 73°F (23°C).

Temperatures are consistently hot in Hilton Head through August, although the oceanfront location can make it feel a little cooler than further inland.

You can expect daily highs above 90°F (32°C) on around a half to two thirds of days during the typical August, and in the high 80s on most other days through the month. Daily highs below 80°F (27°C) are rare. Highs can sometimes approach 100°F (38°C) on the hottest August days.

Early mornings are typically somewhat cooler than the afternoons, with temperatures climbing up from the low 70s as the morning progresses. This is a better time of day for more active pursuits. The earlier the start, the better! Evening temperatures likewise descend into the 70s, although the humidity is typically still extremely high.

Ocean Temperature

Ocean surface temperature in Hilton Head in August averages between 82-84°F (27-30°C), ideal for swimming and watersports.


Humidity is nearly always exceptionally high in Hilton Head in August.

Sunshine, Clouds & Rain

Sunshine in Hilton Head in August averages 8 hours per day. Rain averages 8.9 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 13 days.

August in Hilton Head usually brings plenty of sunshine, although it is often a little cloudier overall than July. In a typical August, anywhere from a third to two thirds of days will be predominantly clear and sunny.

A few predominantly cloudy days can be expected during the month, with an additional third to a half of August days offering a mix of sunny and cloudy periods.

Cloudiness in August is often associated with afternoon thunderstorms and rain showers, which are common during the afternoon and evening throughout the southeastern summer. Rain is typically brief, however, and the weather often brightens up again afterward.

The average UV index in Hilton Head in August is 10.

Hurricane Risk

The hurricane season affecting Hilton Head runs from June 1 through November 30. The majority of dangerous storms typically come in fall, the risk increasing from August onward.

As there is a chance that an August visit to Hilton Head may be impacted by a hurricane or tropical storm, you may wish to take out appropriate travel insurance to cover weather-related cancellations or changes of plans.

Monitor local weather conditions before traveling and during your stay, and follow all local recommendations in the event of a storm or hurricane. Be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

Information about hurricane preparedness, emergency contacts and evacuation plans is available at the Town of Hilton Head Island website.

Sunrise & Sunset


In August, the sun rises at 6:38am at the beginning of the month and at 6:57am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 5:05am at the start of the month, and by 5:32am at the end.


The sun sets at 8:19pm at the start of the month, and at 7:48pm by its end. It gets completely dark by 9:52pm at the beginning of the month, and by 9:12pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in August averages around 13 hours 20 minutes per day.

Things To Do In Hilton Head Island In August

Hilton Head events in August
Dolphin tours
Ecology-focused boat tours
Sailing charters and tours
Boat tours and rentals
Paddle boarding
Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge

See also:
Savannah events in August
Beaufort events
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge