Hilton Head Weather In May

Hilton Head weather in May is typically excellent, and this is one of the best months of the year to visit the island. The average daily high is 82°F (28°C). Temperatures this month are fairly consistent, with the usual range of highs being from the high 70s into the 80s. Highs into the 90s are likely toward the end of the month.

Sunshine is plentiful in Hilton Head in May, and this is a great time to enjoy the best of the island’s watersports and other water-based activities. Kayaking or paddle boarding in the marshes are popular activities, as are boat tours to see the area’s dolphins. Hilton Head also offers a variety of more active watersports such as parasailing or jet ski rides for the more adventurous.

The beaches are Hilton Head’s main draw, and the weather should be ideal for sunbathing on most days this month, although some may find the ocean still a little cool for extended periods of swimming.

Activities such as golf, hiking at Pinckney Island NWR or other local nature sites, cycling, tennis and so on should generally also be enjoyable this month (the cooler mornings can be a better time for active recreation on the hottest days), and nearby Beaufort, Savannah or Bluffton offer a variety of historic attractions and scenic charm if you want a day trip off the island.

See also:
May events in Hilton Head
Hilton Head’s annual festival calendar
Airports near Hilton Head, SC
Transport options between Hilton Head and Savannah
– Hilton Head’s weather by month: January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November or December

Temperature & Humidity In Hilton Head In May


The average daily high temperature in Hilton Head in May is 82°F (28°C). The average daily low is 63°F (17°C).

Temperatures in Hilton Head in May are fairly consistent through the month, with most days’ high being somewhere in the high 70s to 80s.

In hotter years, the high can pass 90°F (32°C) on up to around a third of May days, such temperatures being more likely toward the end of the month. In cooler Mays, the daily high will seldom reach this level.

Daily high temperatures cooler than the mid 70s are possible but comparatively rare. Typical low temperatures are in the 60s (and sometimes the low 70s), but can drop down to the mid 50s on the coldest nights.

Ocean Temperature

Ocean surface temperature in Hilton Head in May averages between 68-75°F (18-25°C), usually warm enough for watersports and swimming on hotter days.


May weather in Hilton Head is usually very humid, and can be oppressively so.

Sunshine, Clouds & Rain

Sunshine in Hilton Head in May averages 9 hours per day. Rain averages 3.6 inches during the month, with rain falling on an average of 9 days.

May is a sunny month in Hilton Head, and you can expect to enjoy mostly clear and sunny weather on at least two thirds of days during a typical May.

Of the remaining days, few will be predominantly cloudy or overcast, instead seeing a mix of sunny periods and cloud. Often there will be a sunny morning and early afternoon, giving way to cloudiness later on as the region’s summer rain showers and thunderstorms come in.

The average UV index in Hilton Head in May is 10.

Hurricane Risk

May falls outside of Hilton Head’s hurricane season, which runs from June through November.

Sunrise & Sunset


In May, the sun rises at 6:36am at the beginning of the month and at 6:17am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 5:06am at the start of the month, and by 4:39am at the end.


The sun sets at 8:03pm at the start of the month, and at 8:24pm by its end. It gets completely dark by 9:34pm at the beginning of the month, and by 10:02pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in May averages around 13 hours 50 minutes per day.

Things To Do In Hilton Head Island

May events in Hilton Head
Dolphin tours
Boat charters and rentals
Sunset tours
Paddle boarding in Hilton Head
Kayaking in Hilton Head
Jet ski, parasailing and other watersports
Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge

See also:
May events in Savannah
Things to do in Savannah
Tybee Island events
Beaufort events