Savannah Weather In November

Statue depicting a standing woman in a historic Savannah, GA cemetery.

November weather in Savannah is often warm and sunny, although by this time of year temperatures are beginning to drop off, and the weather is becoming more variable. Average November highs are around 70°F (21°C), and into the 80s on warmer days. Weather-wise, this can often be one of the better times of year to visit Savannah.

You can still expect a lot of sunny weather in November, although periods of extended cloudy weather are becoming more common. Despite some cloudiness, this is one of Savannah’s driest months, with much less rain than during the summer.

→ Weather in Savannah in: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, December

For a November visit, you should check the weather forecast immediately before travel to decide what to pack. In general, it is best to bring layers, as even the warmest days may be somewhat cool in the mornings and evenings. You will also usually need a light to medium-weight jacket, depending on how much you feel the cold.

Although the threat of hurricanes diminishes through November, there is still a possibility of heavy storms this month. You may wish to take out insurance to cover the risk of cancelling your plans. In the event of dangerous weather, follow local advice and be ready to evacuate if required.

See also:
Savannah’s must-see sights
November festivals and events
More attractions and things to do
Savannah in fall

Temperature In Savannah In November

The daily maximum temperature in Savannah in November averages 71°F (21°C), with the lowest daily highs being around 50-60°F (10-15°C), up to around 81-84°F (27-29°C) on the warmest days. In an average November, you can expect the temperature to exceed 75°F (24°C) on up to 10 days over the course of the month, and to stay below 65°F (18°C) on 7-10 days.

Temperatures on November mornings could be anywhere from around 50°F (10°C) on cooler days to 70°F (21°C) or more on warmer ones. Evening temperatures are generally similar to the temperature that morning. Typical night-time lows at this time of year are in the low fifties (10-12°C).

Sea Temperature

Surface water temperature in November at the beaches near Savannah is around 66-72°F (18-24°C), warm enough for some watersports but probably too cold for swimming for most people due to the cooler air temperatures.

Humidity In Savannah In November

The weather only occasionally feels humid in November.

Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Savannah In November

The average November in Savannah has 6-7 hours of sunshine each day. Rainfall for the month totals an average of 2.4 inches, with rain occurring on an average of 6-7 days.

By November, Savannah’s weather is becoming more changeable. Roughly half of days during this month are clear or mostly clear, but there can also be runs of cloudy or rainy weather: up to a third of days on average can be mostly cloudy or overcast.

The remaining days give mixed spells of sun and cloud, perhaps with a sunny morning or afternoon, and predominantly cloudy weather (and sometimes rain) for much of the rest of the day.

The UV index in Savannah in November averages 4.

Wind speeds in Savannah in November average around 7.5mph, with 6-10 days each month still or mostly still, and 2-3 days on average where wind speeds may reach around 15mph or higher.

Hurricanes In Savannah In November

Hurricanes and severe storms are a possibility during November, the last month of the official Atlantic hurricane season. You might want to take out travel insurance that covers weather-related cancellation and curtailment if you decide to visit Savannah (or elsewhere in the southeast) this month.

If there is a hurricane or tropical storm during your visit, follow all local orders and be ready evacuate if asked to do so. Information about evacuation zones in Savannah and Chatham County and what you should do to prepare for and during a hurricane is available from the Chatham Emergency Management Agency.

November Daylight Hours In Savannah


In November, the sun rises at around 7:40am at the beginning of the month (6:40am after Daylight Saving Time ends) and at 7:05am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 7:20am at the start of the month (6:20am after Daylight Saving Time ends), and by 6:40am at the end.


The sun sets at around 6:30pm at the start of the month (5:30pm after Daylight Saving Time ends), and at around 5:20pm by its end. It should be dark by around 7pm at the beginning of the month (6pm after Daylight Saving Time ends), and by 5:45pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in November averages around ten and a half hours per day, plus an additional 20-25 minutes of low light at the beginning and also at the end of the day.

Things To Do In Savannah In November

Hiking and wildlife refuges near Savannah
Historic house tours
Black history sites
Helicopter tours
Historic District squares
Bonaventure Cemetery
Walking tours
Dolphin tours
November events in Savannah
All things to do in Savannah