Savannah Weather In August

Old red brick vaults in Colonial Park Cemetery, Savannah, GA.

Savannah weather in August is usually extremely hot and humid, with daily highs typically climbing into the 90s. In some years, the temperature can surpass 90°F (32°C) on every August day.

When is the best time of year to visit Savannah?
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Expect a good amount of sunny weather, punctuated by frequent afternoon rain showers and thunderstorms. Try to do your most active sightseeing as early as possible in the morning, before it becomes too hot and humid. On the hottest days (and rainy afternoons), indoor attractions such as museums or historic houses can provide a welcome relief from Savannah’s summer heat.

Pack light, loose clothing suitable for hot and sticky weather. It stays very warm well into the night, so there isn’t much need for outerwear at this time of the year. An umbrella is strongly advised during Savannah’s rainy summers, as are insect repellent and high-factor sunscreen.

Hurricanes are a possibility through August. You may wish to purchase appropriate insurance if you will be booking travel ahead of time. If a hurricane or storm hits during your stay, follow all local guidance and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

See also:
Savannah’s must-see sights
August festivals and events
Other things to do in Savannah and nearby in August
More attractions and things to do

Temperature In Savannah In August

The daily maximum temperature in Savannah in August averages 91°F (32.5°C), with the lowest daily highs being around 77-82°F (25-28°C), up to around 97°F (36°C), and in exceptional years even higher, on the hottest days.

In an average year, you can expect the temperature to exceed 90°F (32°C) on at least half of days each month and to stay below 85°F (30°C) on maybe 6-7 days. If it is an especially hot August, however, the daily high temperature could stay above 90°F (32°C) through the duration of the month.

In the morning, temperatures are in the range of 70-85°F (21-30°C). Evening temperatures are usually close to morning temperatures, or a little cooler in the case of afternoon thunderstorms or cloudy weather. Typical night-time lows are around 70-75°F (21-24°C).

Sea Temperature

Surface water temperature in August at the beaches near Savannah is around 82-85°F (27-30°C), ideal for swimming and watersports.

Humidity In Savannah In August

The weather is oppressively humid through most of August, both during the day and the night.

Sunshine, Clouds & Rain In Savannah In August

The average August in Savannah has 8 hours of sunshine each day. Rainfall for the month totals an average of 6.6 inches, with rain occurring on an average of 13-14 days.

August weather is usually sunny, with half or more of the days in this month being clear or mostly so. A handful of days this month are predominantly overcast, with mixed weather making up the balance, usually sunny periods in the mornings and evenings, interspersed with clouds and rain.

Thunderstorms and heavy rain showers are common in the mid to late afternoon, occurring on up to around half of the days in August.

The UV index in Savannah in August averages 10.

Wind speeds in Savannah in August average around 6mph (the least windy month of the year), with around 7 or 8 days each month still or mostly still, and the occasional day or two where wind speeds may reach around 15mph or higher.

Hurricanes In Savannah In August

Hurricanes and severe storms are a possibility during August, which falls in the middle of the official Atlantic hurricane season. You might prefer to take out travel insurance that covers weather-related cancellation and curtailment if you decide to visit Savannah (or anywhere else in the southeast) this month.

If there is a hurricane or tropical during your visit, follow all local orders and be ready to evacuate if necessary. More information about evacuation zones in Savannah and Chatham County and what you should do in the event of a hurricane is available from the Chatham Emergency Management Agency.

August Daylight Hours In Savannah


In August, the sun rises at around 6:40am at the beginning of the month, at 6:50am in the middle of the month, and at 7am at the end of the month. It begins to get light in the morning at 6:10am at the start of the month, and by 6:35am at the end.


The sun sets at around 8:20pm at the start of the month, at at around 7:50pm by its end. It should be dark by around 8:50pm at the beginning of the month, and by 8:15pm at its end.

Day Length

The amount of full daylight in August averages around 13 hours and 20 minutes per day, plus an additional 25-30 minutes of low light at the beginning and again at the end of the day.

Things To Do In Savannah In August

Dolphin tours and other boat tours from Savannah and Tybee Island
Museums in Savannah
Kayaking near Savannah
Tybee Island beaches
Other beaches near Savannah
Wildlife drive at the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Pin Point Heritage Museum
August events in Savannah
All things to do in Savannah