Augusta To Savannah, GA

Augusta and Savannah are just about close enough together for either city to be visitable from the other as a day trip, or better for the weekend, allowing ample time to experience the best of each city’s historic attractions and activities.

The distance between Savannah and Augusta is around 128 miles by road, a drive of around two and a half hours in typical traffic. From Savannah Airport to Augusta is around 118 miles, a little over two hours in good traffic.

It is possible to travel between Augusta and Savannah by bus, although journey time is significantly longer than by car. Most routes connect in Columbia, SC, with total travel time of at least six and a half hours. Train travel between the two cities is unfortunately not available; nor are non-stop flights.

See also:
Events in Savannah
Things to do in Savannah
Parking in Savannah
Public transport in Savannah

!Please check all details before planning your travel. Availability of services, prices and other information may change at short notice.

How Far Is Augusta, GA From Savannah?

The distance from Augusta to Savannah via the shortest route is around 121 miles, taking GA-56 out of Augusta, then following GA-23 and connecting with GA-24 for a brief stretch before switching to GA-21 at Sylvania. This then takes you the rest of the way into Savannah, approaching the city via its northwestern suburbs. You can also stay on the G-24 to Springfield, connecting there with the G-21 instead.

An alternative route, around 128 miles, on the South Carolina side of the state line, takes SC-125 out of Augusta, connecting with SC-3 and then US-321, and then connecting with US-17 in Hardeeville, which takes you the rest of the way into Savannah via the Savannah River Bridge.

In ideal traffic, the drive should take around 2 hours 20 minutes or less via either route, assuming no stops along the way. In heavy traffic, it can take up to about an hour longer.

Although the GA-21 route is usually fastest, the route through South Carolina that avoids Savannah’s suburbs can be slightly quicker during periods of heavier traffic.

Distance from Savannah to Augusta and typical drive time:

Augusta To Savannah By Bus

There are 3 daily bus services from Augusta to Savannah, and 2 daily services from Savannah to Augusta. Tickets are available from Greyhound, with part or all of each journey provided by its regional affiliate Southeastern Stages, with which some journeys can be booked directly (generally at the same price).

Travel time is from around 6.5 hours to a little over 10 hours, depending on the route selected. An economy ticket usually costs from $40-$72 each way, with the shorter trips (which require a transfer) costing somewhat more than the longer direct journey.

Although it will make for an extremely long day, it is technically feasible to visit Savannah as a day trip from Augusta by bus, with six hours to spare in Savannah between the earliest arriving bus and the latest departure.

Bus Services Between Savannah & Augusta

Augusta to Savannah bus options:

Savannah to Augusta bus options:

Augusta Bus Station

The bus station in Augusta is operated by Southeastern Stages. It is located a short distance from downtown Augusta, at 1546 Broad Street, with stops on the local bus network available nearby, plus taxi and rideshare services.

Savannah Bus Station

Savannah’s bus station is located right next to the downtown Historic District, at 610 West Oglethorpe Avenue.

Connections onto local bus services are available at the station, and taxi and rideshare services operate throughout the Savannah area. If your final destination is in the Historic District, however, it may well be within easy walking distance.

Savannah To Augusta By Train

It is not currently possible to travel between Augusta and Savannah by train. Although Savannah has a passenger rail station, Augusta unfortunately does not. Columbia, SC has the nearest station, and at 80 miles away it is not much closer than Savannah itself!

Things To Do In Savannah, GA

Savannah events
Historic house tours
Free things to do in Savannah
Beaches near Savannah
Historic cemeteries
All things to do in Savannah

See also:
Savannah’s Historic District
Georgia food festivals